1. The price of wines
The sale price of wines on is a price including all taxes (DDP) for USA and Europe.
For Taïwan the price is in (DAP): excluding the taxes.
The wine is sold by box of 6 bottles and limited to 2 cases of 6 bottles per client to USA to guarantee the best price.
2. The price of the transport
The price of the transport is exactly calculated in order to guarantee the best price and service and is limited to 2 cases of 6 bottles per client and per shipment to USA.
The price of the transport includes:
The packaging
The insurance for the wine breakage, theft, change of the packaging and the contents
Customs formalities
The transport of the wine up to your door
The price of the transport is calculated for 1 case of 6 bottles and until 6 cases of 6 bottles.
For your information, the price of transportation is limited:
To 2 cases of 6 bottles per client and per shipment to USA, to 6 cases of 6 bottles per client to Europe, to 1 case of 6 bottles per client to Taïwan.